Check Joomla version from command line

If you are a system administrator and used to command line it’s definitely going to bug you when you have to check the software version by login to the admin area. Directly check the version from shell makes the task done faster. For Joomla you can directly grep the $RELEASE and $DEV_LEVEL in the joomla version.php file to get joomla version.

fgrep ‘$RELEASE’ /home/servertechsupport/public_html/libraries/joomla/version.php
fgrep ‘$DEV_LEVEL’ /home/servertechsupport/public_html/libraries/joomla/version.php


One response to “Check Joomla version from command line”

  1. For Joomla 2.5.x and 3.x, the place to look is:


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